Been back in Brazil for a bit over a week and are getting ready for a christmas celebration at Regina's parents house with most of the brothers and sisters to be in attendance - possibly the last big event at the house that has been home base for the family for about 35 years. We've been out to Brejal once so far but forgot the camera - so no new pictures of there until next post. Main change is some growth in plants. I'll be doing some work on the family home for a bit - a little painting an cleaning up in preparation for putting it on the market. Otherwise getting some materials lined up for work on our house in the beginning of the year
Below are some pics of our new digs in petropolis where we rented (house has an apartment on each floor and the owner lives above and we have lower part). It's in a great neighborhood and is walking distance from downtown - where we typically walk in the mornings
Christmas fair in downtown petropolis
Regina and her brother Fernando (who has acquired a huge einstein resemblance)
Joana, Rodrigo and Dante
Baby Gael (just about 2 months old)
Happy Holidays to all