Thursday, December 24, 2015

Back in the saddle

Been back in Brazil for a bit over a week and are getting ready for a christmas celebration at Regina's parents house with most of the brothers and sisters to be in attendance - possibly the last big event at the house that has been home base for the family for about 35 years.  We've been out to Brejal once so far but forgot the camera - so no new pictures of there until next post.  Main change is some growth in plants.  I'll be doing some work on the family home for a bit - a little painting an cleaning up in preparation for putting it on the market.  Otherwise getting some materials lined up for work on our house in the beginning of the year
Below are some pics of our new digs in petropolis where we rented (house has an apartment on each floor and the owner lives above and we have lower part).  It's in a great neighborhood and is walking distance from downtown - where we typically walk in the mornings

 Christmas fair in downtown petropolis

 Regina and her brother Fernando (who has acquired a huge einstein resemblance)
 Joana, Rodrigo and Dante
 Baby Gael (just about 2 months old)

Happy Holidays to all

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Phase 1 comes to an end

 I'm heading back stateside today so work on the house ends for a while.   Hopefully withing the next ferw months we will know more about getting electricity from the grid or if we will focus more on other alternatives.  Regina will keep planting stuff in the meanwhile and continue clearing land with Jaime who will work a couple days a week for the next while
The following are pictures along the lower section of our land which we just recently started clearing more with the slow winding creek that meanders along the base of the hill opposite the cabin.
Also multiple views of the cabin as it now stands

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Here are some general area pics for a little more context of the area
other properties near where we are staying

local church
local bars

local nursery

 local store
 communications central for us

 dead porcupines

 this doesn't do justice to how many of these thorns luna had which we had to pull out of her mouth
nose and body - easily over a hundred and we keep finding more as the areas get infected

first windows (future bathroom)

All the windows and doors are in and we are in rush to get rest done before my departure in a week
Next round should have things mostly finished (for this round)