Sunday, April 26, 2015

taking shape

Things are beginning to go vertical.  Basic platform of the cabin is in place and second lumber drop is coming this week.

 Regina has begun planting lots of decorative plants and some fruit trees.  We were supposed to get a delivery last week of more stuff but they never showed up - hopefully this week

This is the basic footprint, uncovered area is to be a deck

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Worms and wood

 This is the Berne (botfly) worm i squeezed out of shawnee - he has tons and luna a few - and now I have em too.  But we all took meds for it and seem to be getting better
 first lumber load
 first structure - just something to be in shade and out of rain

 first decorative planting to make a hedgerow

Beginings of cabin structure which will be about 7m x 5.5m (23' x 17')

Sunday, April 12, 2015

 View from behind the house we are staying out - gives an idea of the landscap

 evolving clearing of overgrowth

 Dante on Easter
Sunday April 12th,
Regina and I are working in the store today (a couple of early sales made for a decent day - among mostly poor sales days of late).
We continue to make micro steps forward on all sorts of fronts (lots of two steps forward - one back).
Process to get energy gets more involved all the time, although we did get some good news the other day that may help speed things along.  What is clear is that alternatives are necessary and probably better in some ways.
We are getting a lumber load dropped on tuesday - so some new things will start evolving soon

Everyone is getting acquainted with different types of local bugs/allergies/parasites
I got some skin reaction that has been no fun waking up with scratching fits, shawnee and luna have flea and ticks non stop and both have just started with some wierd worm that we are still perfecting the technique for squeezing them out (very disgusting)

Clearing on our land is pretty much good enough for the moment in general terms - with our focus now more on finding our two or three spring sources and getting those areas better organized.  Our first effort with some local help was ok but not inspiring - so we are working on finding some new people to try.  But main thing now is to start building a cabin